"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40 With the end of the rotating men’s shelter in December a Social Ministry task force has been actively seeking new ways to sustain and expand Prince of Peace’s ministry to the homeless. If you attended the January 14 and 28 FED discussions you heard about the task force’s proposals to launch two new initiatives to support this ever-increasing, underserved population.
Winter Shelter Meals As a continuation of our long-standing meal service ministry to those in need, Prince of Peace has agreed to provide dinner for 50 guests at the Trinity Church winter shelter in Mountain View on three Mondays: January 29, February 26, and March 26. Since the shelter will close mid-April, the task force is also exploring additional meal opportunities that will continue our commitment into the rest of the year. Contact Jim Wilczak ([email protected]) if you’d like to volunteer to help with the Trinity meals or with planning the future of this important ministry. Safe Park The task force is also exploring establishing a rotating evening safe park program at Prince of Peace in collaboration with other local churches. Hosting no more than 15 vehicles for a month at a time, the safe park would provide a secure evening respite for families and individuals living in their cars. The task force has been working with local government agencies and faith-based organizations and hopes to open the shelter in late spring. If you would like more information or would like to help with planning, please contact Norman Puck ([email protected]) or Bill Eklow ([email protected]).
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RSCP Leadership TeamKaren, Norman, Ulrike, Drew, Pastor Sara Community Service AgenciesLinks and Articles of Interest$50 million donation to homeless initiatives
Step up Silicon Valley Homeless in Silicon Valley Blog & Resource Page SPUR Housing Policy (SF Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association) Storied Streets Archives
December 2024
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