What's going on at Prince of PeaceThis is not a complete list. Please check with the office regarding space availability.
Use the arrows to switch between months. Use the gray slider bar to scan to later dates. |
Worship timesSundays at 10:00 am for indoor, in-person worship.
Our worship services are also live-streamed Sunday mornings at 10:00 am on our YouTube channel and stay posted for later review: Youtube.com/c/PrinceofPeaceSaratoga LOCATED AT: 12770 Saratoga Ave. Saratoga, CA 95070 There is often something special going on. Check our News page or Facebook site for the latest information, including worship time changes. Office hoursMondays through Thursday, excluding holidays
10am-3pm Always better to call for an appointment :-) CALL: 408.253.7167 EMAIL: [email protected] SIGN UP: for weekly worship and service news |
Office HoursOffice hours Monday through Thursday 10am-3pm or by appointment.
Please call before coming by. Holiday Office ClosuresJan 20 - MLK Day