The PoP+Zion committee was able to support 22 programs and organizations with our 2023 distributions. The first round of applications and grants went out in the spring, with a second round in the fall. We are excited to continue our mission to Do More Good by supporting the following-
Creating a concert series at Prince of Peace to both entertain and attract potential new members, upholding our tradition of having strong and compelling music programing
Supporting congregants in need via the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund
Providing a joyful and music-filled banquet for this year’s Synod Assembly after a few tumultuous years and a stressful election process
Formerly homeless to maintain stability through Lutheran Social Services
Sending kids from Harmony Community Cares in Chicago to summer camp
Continuing the community-building and educational Table Talks program here at PoP
Providing spiritually-lead advocacy for reproductive justice via the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
Youth leadership retreat at Mt. Cross for Sierra Pacific Synod Youth Committee (SPSYC)
Theater and performing arts programming at Harmony Community Cares
Computer upgrades for the staff at Family Supportive Housing so they can better serve their community
A pickleball court on campus at PoP for intergenerational and active fellowship opportunities
Humanitarian aid efforts to support Ukraine with Hearts for Ukraine
Women in Haiti, empowering them with life skills for a life of dignity and hope
LGBTQIA clergy attending the Proclaim conference lead by Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries
Free vision care and eyeglasses for low-income community members with AINAK
Direct assistance to farmworkers in Pajaro following catastrophic flooding with Casa de la Cultura
Creating a community Resilience Hub at Galilee Lutheran Church to prepare for natural disasters and other emergencies
Supporting our intern and her learning journey at PoP via the Intern Fund
Supporting for a refugee family currently being supported by many members of PoP
A service and fellowship group started at PoP who make blankets for the Linus Project
A gaga ball pit for our PoP youth to play in created by Drew Soleberg’s Eagle project
As a reminder, the PoP+Zion Endowment Fund was made possible by Zion Lutheran Church (Zion) joining Prince of Peace (PoP) and the sale of their property. By constitution and congregational decision, the PoP+Zion Investment Committee determines the amount available for distribution annually.
The distribution is to be allocated by the following percentages by category: a) Synod – 15%, b) Property – 30%, c) PoP Missions – 30%, d) General Applications – 25%.
The PoP+Zion Distribution Committee focuses on applications received for parts c) and d).
In total the Pop+Zion Distribution Committee helped to distribute $84,085 over 2023, with an additional $22,855 going to the Synod and $45,710 going to Property.