ConversationTaking place in the Fellowship Hall with coffee and snacks, Conversation time can be an in depth lesson with one of the pastors, or a presentation by special guest. Topics can include anything from what makes us "Lutheran", presentations by non-profits, member-led discussions on stewardship, science and faith, and more. These conversations are aimed at adults and mature youth.
DiscipleshipOccasionally our Fellowship, Education, and Discipleship time will be used for a service project. To kick off the 2016/17 school year the congregation gathered together to fill bags with non-perishable foods and warmth items such as space blankets and socks. The bags are kept in the car so you can offer care to anyone who needs it in the community. Filled bags are still available. Pick some up on Sunday.
Office HoursOffice hours Monday through Thursday 10am-3pm or by appointment.
Please call before coming by. Holiday Office ClosuresJan 20 - MLK Day