With the establishment of the new PoP+Zion Endowment, Prince of Peace will be using those funds to live into the connections Pr. Sara outlined last year. We will be connecting with our larger church and neighbors through gifts to the synod and various charities, we will be helping to support updates and repairs to the property, and also – and here’s the really exciting part – we’ll have a pool of money to use to help fund some of those creative ministry ideas we’ve been hearing in the Strategic Planning Session.
Prince of Peace, you have been working hard to lay some amazing ground-work for the kinds of ministry resources most church communities dream about. And there have been dreams; interesting, exciting, meaningful dreams. And we cannot wait for you to hear some of the ways we are dreaming of connecting people to this church community. It is an incredibly exciting time here at Prince of Peace. We continue to be a stable to growing congregation; and our discipleship (involvement in and creation of small groups, volunteerism, faith in God and group gatherings) increases as we continue to pull people in and get them involved. We are excited for the year to come and look forward to the ways God continues to move in, through, and around us! Peace, Pr. Sara and Pr. Nate
It's been a long process, but we are ready.
The PoP Council has approved the language establishing a new endowment for congregational review. This endowment's job is to lift up and empower members of Prince of Peace in the way each of us works to do more good in the world. By caring for our property, supporting our synod, sponsoring charities, and allowing creative space for funding of new ideas going forward. You might not see everything you wanted in here. However, I'm confident that there is enough goodness to go around for everyone at Prince of Peace to find ways to make good things happen using this new endowment. In addition to this language, the council is working with a task force to craft a clear investment policy, which we will need to approve also. This will provide a measure of security so that we also care for the investment committee, as we task them with helping the fund grow. The Zion Godsend Task Force met April 10 to continue to review options for both investment and distribution of the proceeds of the Godsend. Initial thinking is that the proceeds are best used if the inflation adjusted initial proceeds are maintained in perpetuity.
Feedback received during Lenten Listening sessions was appreciated and beneficial in addressing a strategy which best reflects the mission of POP. Following creation of a framework for possible recommendations of both investment strategies and distribution approaches, a second round of focus groups will be conducted to obtain further congregation feed-back. Initially, it was anticipated that those sessions could be completed and recommendations made to the congregation during the June Congregational meeting. That may still be possible, but since this is such an importation decision for the congregation, June may be impossible and an additional congregation meeting necessary. This Wednesday is our final conversation time. Thank you to everyone who has been taking part! If you haven't been able to join in, please share your thoughts online in the forms to the right "Listening Station Questions". There are different questions every week. Next StepsThe ZGTF will be using your thoughts and responses to formulate actual proposals to be evaluated by you in a series of focus groups. We are anticipating to have these meetings through the month of May. Updates will be given as soon as we have something more solid to share.
The Zion Godsend Task Force is charged with leading thecongregation through a process of reflection and discernment so we may hear an inspired answer in how to use this money to further the mission of this church. We will begin this process with this series of conversation starters to guide our thoughts, minds and prayers. It is our hope that we can find a common mission and consensus as we move forward. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We are not in a hurry. We have the responsibility to be judicious. Where? Conversations will be a part of Wednesday Evening Lenten Worship, in the Fellowship Hall. You are also welcome to view and respond to questions in our online forms. When? Conversations will be Wednesdays, February 21 thru March 21, 2018. We will also be hosting listening sessions on Sunday, March 4 & March 18 during FED time. The Godsend task force met again on February 6 to continue efforts to craft questions which will solicit feed-back from members of the congregation concerning how to approach the Godsend. Feedback will be sought during Lenten services and summarized for presentation to the entire congregation.
The task force is continuing its efforts to determine how the Godsend proceeds should be invested and how the earnings should be utilized. The Godsend committee met last week and currently anticipates having a recommendation for investing and distribution of the proceeds of the cash realized from the sale of the former Zion property at the time of the June congregational meeting.
Several services during Lent will include discussions about what POP members feel are appropriate recommendations which should influence the deliberations of the committee. Those recommendations will be included and thoroughly integrated into subsequent committee meetings. Your input is important to the committee. Please plan to attend as many of those services as your schedule permits. HIstory
In 2004, members of Zion Lutheran church merged with Prince of Prince, designating use of their 1.9 acre church property and building on Payne Ave in San Jose for Pueblo de Dios, a Lutheran spanish speaking mission congregation. Prince of Peace agreed to supplement Pueblo’s funds to pay the mortgage for the first five years of operation. After 12 years, Pueblo was unable to support mortgage and maintenance of the building on their own, the attendance had declined significantly after their founding Pastor left the congregation, and the ELCA was no longer able to subsidize the Pueblo Pastor’s salary. This left Prince of Peace with a land asset and crumbling building. Pastor Sara’s hours were increased to full time (from 75%) to manage the process of closing down Pueblo and preparing the building and property for next steps. The Prince of Peace congregation voted to sell the property in 2016. After a long process, the sale closed in July 2017, resulting in approximately $4.7 million “windfall” for Prince of Peace. The Windfall Committee was formed to make recommendations to the congregation how the funds should be used. The congregation still votes on distribution of funds. 2017 After a series of focus group studies the Windfall Committee recommended that the congregation use the funds from the sale of the Payne Ave property to purchase a parsonage (home for Pastors to live in). Currently we are meeting to plan how to achieve a similar level of engagement and cohesion around both the savings/use of the remainder of these funds. We believe this is an opportune time for some work examining and articulating our shared mission. The group’s name has been changed to Godsend Task force to emphasize that these funds are not just a happy accident. 2018 We are organizing and will be hosting a series of conversations during Lenten worship services, encouraging us to focus on the mission this church has for this valley and the world. We will be collecting information through these sessions with the goal of creating a vision for the use of these funds which has the support of this congregation. We are aiming to have this project completed by the Congregational Elections Meeting in late May or early June. However, congregational buy-in must be achieved before any voting will be requested. REPORT DELIVERED BY PASTOR NATE
Godsend Task Force Report > Pastor Nate provided the Godsend Task Force update. It was noted that this process needs to be carefully made and based on our mission statement. A recommendation will be ready for both investment and disbursement in approximately May 2018. The funds are sitting in a Mission Investment Fund (MIF) at a rate of approximately 1% based on secured/low-risk funds. A PROPOSAL FOR BETTER STEWARDSHIP OF THE FUNDS DURING THE INTERIM Congregation member Bill McHugh suggested that the group investigate moving the $3M into a higher yielding account based on the current market. A motion was made by Bill McHugh and seconded by Christine Linthacum to research in next 30 days for a better investment return for the windfall funds in order to be better stewards. Bill McHugh made an amendment to the motion to allow for 30 days to report options to Council and then Council to make a final decision. This amendment was seconded by Anne Hess. Questions were asked regarding the timeline and a suggestion was made to divide the funds for better rate of return. Jim Wilczak summarized the ambitious goal, noted that it would be about $25k and would have higher risk and added that the May 2018 goal is too soon and should be made in January 2019 at next year’s annual meeting. Katie Hoffman asked the Task Force how and why the decision was made to park the current funds in the original account. Pastor Nate responded to say that the decision was made by Executive Council on the account. Janet Chance called to vote. Christine Linthacum asked a question before the vote was made. Amended vote: 33 in favor, 32 voted against. Amendment passed. Vote for the Task Force to investigate other investment options in interim within 30 days to present to Council for an increase in return: 26 voted in favor. 38 voted against. Motion did not carry. NAME CHANGE A motion was made by Clay Baron and seconded by Colleen Sullivan to change the name to the Zion Godsend Task Force. Motion was carried by majority vote. 4 voted against. A SECOND MOTION FOR REINVESTMENT A motion was made by Christine Linthacum to have Council look at other investment opportunities to increase the return over 1% in the 60 days. The motion was seconded by Mike Hugill. The motion was carried by majority vote. 3 voted against. |
Listening Station QuestionsTask Force MissionOur role is to do the research and community consensus gathering around the best, long-term, sustainable use of fund from the sale of the, former Zion property. Task Force MembersRoger Curry, Archives
January 2020
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